Friday, August 8, 2014

The Crimes of Punishment, Pt I

From Detroit, with Love;
Comes this round of info to feed your brains.

We are losing the wars...
The war on crime,
the war on drugs,
the war on terrrorism,
the war on poverty;
yet our leaders
 & their friends;
as well as the great corporate invaders;
NEVER miss out on an opportunity to make a buck off the sorrow, misfortune & travails of it all...

Here are some examples of this!!!!!

Chris Hedges does a great write-up on Truthdig about one of the main players in the 'Jail = $$' game.

Chris Hedges: Food Behind Bars Isn’t Fit for Your Dog - Chris Hedges - Truthdig

Click & follow the link to read his take on the takers.

Henry Rollins has some things to say as well...Surprise. LOL!!!

Here are some other noteworthy videos to watch.

Justice may be BLIND; but it surely is not BROKE!!!

Just because someone has made a legal mistake, which is easy to do nowadays; doesn't mean they should be used, abused & raped in any way possible by political & corporate interests.

No matter how much funny money they print,
No matter how mass propaganda gets sent,
No matter how many lies & their true intent,
No matter how many, their depth, or extent...

Yes, I.
Will NOT be silenced.
Yes, I.
Will NOT go quietly.
Yes, I.
WILL Stand & Fight!!!
Yes, I.
WILL do what is RIGHT!!!

No, I.
No, I.
Will NEVER be silenced.

Until they take my life anyways...
Then, hopefully, it will be remembered by those who know, knew or matter; that I, Yes, I. Fought these bastards until the very, very end!!!!!

If it costs me mine, then my job is done.....

In Peace & Love;
Detroit Jones

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