Friday, January 23, 2015

The Alana Tree

The Simple Things...

In this life, it has become the simple things; that move me.
I guess I see so much anger, rage, hurt, backstabbing, two-faced miscreance & egotistical flimflammery; that the simple nice things that people DO actually DO, inspires me.
For example; where I live is a long walk to get to the bus to get anywhere that I need to go.
I have trudged that walk to help people & get medicine to those in need. I have also trudged that walk just to live my basic life.
Well, one day, in one of the coldest, blizzardest days we've had this year, saw me trudging along the 3.4 mile trek to get to 2 patients in need. It was indeed a miserable journey.
As I met my halfway point in the fight to be a pedestrian among a world of goofs who forget that EVEN in these conditions, the same road rules apply. Ugggh. People think that they own the whole road, walkways & etc., & the rules they don't follow anyway, somehow, no longer apply. Anywayzzzz, lest I digress;
As I was reaching my halfway point, nearing where I planned to stop, get coffee & warm up, something odd happened; out of the corner of my eye, I see an SUV pull to the curb, window rolls down, & as I leerily watched, a Woman asks if I needed a ride. I did need one, but was totally befuddled by the inquiry. I paused, looked at her, thought of the ride, the cold, & how nice a ride even a little way would be wonderful. Then, pondered, then declined. I didn't want to put someone else out for lil ole jaded me. I thanked her, declined & she pulled away.
I watched as she pulled away, then meandered to my warm up spot as I watched her return the way she came.
I was touched by this
It was such a nice, simple gesture.
But wait, there's more....
I left my place of warmth & returned to the journey.
As I trudged along again, ever onward, the thoughts of this Woman's unexpected offer helped keep my jaded blackened heart warm.
I plowed forward. Ever mindful of my focused goal. Then, out of the clear blue, or I should say, grey sky; I see a vehicle in my peripheral, slow, then pull to the curb. As my gaze again turns to the vehicle, in time to see the window roll down & heard the question " You still don't need that ride? ".
My mind did a complete double take. Like a weird DejaVu moment, as I looked to see the EXACT SAME WOMAN pulled up next to me.
Though I was close, I accepted the ride.
I needed the ride.
I was truly grateful.
Even now, a couple weeks after, I am still grateful.
So rarely do I see such simple, random kindness in humanity nowadays.
I was mindblown that not once, but twice, did another person, go out of their way, to do a good deed for someone they don't know, & never met.
It was a horrid day. One that needs a good deed.
To that Wonderful, Awesome Woman who took just a moment of Her time, to do right by Her fellow Humans; THANK YOU 1000%.
You have no idea how much that meant to me, or why, but You were TRUE to YOUR Inner-Nature & did a simply, sweet, wonderful deed.
K.D. : You RAWK!!!!!
Stay TRUE to that part inside You that inspired You to do something that inspired me.
You know how to find me if I can EVER be of help or assistance to You.
I got ya covered.
Peace & Love from Detroit....


Monday, January 19, 2015


PG Live MICHAEL SEAN ALLMAN - "If Dreams Were Mo…:

A Detroit Diamond...

Tosha Owens- My Dream:

Family on the Move...

CRUCIFIX - "Been So Wrong" (Feat. Credit):

Thursday, January 15, 2015