Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Pix & Poetix....

Happy 2015 peepz.
Hard to believe it is here already.
So far, so good.
Well, kinda...The World is in disarray, but I think I will be ok!!!!
Anyways, I've been taking & making a lot of pix lately.
These here are mostly taken very recently, with a few from awhile back.
I am NOT a professional photographer; not even close, LOL, but, I just love to take them, & turn them into something cool (Hopefully).
So, I hope you enjoy....

The poem; "Thank You Note",, is one I wrote years ago.
It recalls my days as an orphan.
Every year, after the holidays were all passed; we orphans, would have to send notes & cards to the people who paid us a visit or brought us the simple things for the holidays.
It was indeed hard to do every year, when the only thing we all wanted, was that which some of us would never have....
A Family!!!!
Those who have had one, can never truly grasp this.
As for me, well, I had been taken from my mother at age 2, then placed up for adoption. Was adopted at age 4, by a twisted family who abused me for nearly 7 years before I was removed from their horrid home. Psychos. Indeed!!!
I was nearly 11 years old when they came & finally took me away from these monsters.
From there; it was all orphanages/group & foster homes, until I was put out on my own at 17 yrs old.
That is just the basics, so that you have a better barometer in understanding the core of this poem, & the feelings it imparts....

Thank You Note

All of us in this place,
this most humble orphanage;
Thank You one and all,
for Your recent patronage.
Thank You for the toys,
and for all that you did bring.
Trying to lift our souls,
and to make our hearts to sing.

Yet, the thing we need,
this You did not bring.
Tis all we really need.
Tis one simplest thing.

You didn't bring a home
filled up with such love.
The one and only dream,
we all are dreaming of.

Sure we needed clothes,
and we do love the toys.
In this humblest place,
they will be our only joys.

So, next time that You come,
we need only this one thing.
A tender, loving family
is all You need to ever bring.

Thanks for coming here,
to our lonely lil place.
for whenever You come,
a smile does cross my face.

we are glad You came,
but please do not forget...
we who write this note,
are not adopted yet!!!.

c.1998-99 Detroit Jones/mvlt

I recall days in the orphanage;
when all the church folks would
stop bye to bear gifts and try
to lighten our heavy loads. To
try and bring cheer to us in any
way they could. We loved them all.
God Bless Each And Every One Of Them.

Here are the pix.....

That is all the pics for now....
Many More to Come, I am sure!!!!!
I got more to say too...
Catch ya'all real soon!!!!

My song pick for the New Year is an oft-forgotten Steve Perry(of Journey) track from his second solo album, entitled " For The Love Of Strange Medicine". I first got hip to this track because my friend Tim Miner produced a couple tracks on the album, so I got a listen before it was released. I was sure this song would've been a smash hit. The album apparently didn't get the push from the record label that it needed, and DESERVED.
Here is the track, titled: 'Somewhere There's Hope'
Hope it moves you as it always has me....

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