Sunday, July 27, 2014

An Orphan's Prayer

                                   "An Orphan's Prayer"

                      And Jesus said....
                            "Suffer the little children
                                                 to come unto Me..."
                    Well, Jesus, where were you,
                                      when we came unto thee?
                     You said Your almighty kingdom,
                                        it would one day be ours;
                             will it's almighty power
                                 conquer our lonely hours?.

            When they brought to You water,
                                           You gave to them wine...
                      did i ask for to much,
                               with these small pleas of mine?.
                          Then You gave to the masses,
                                  all their loaves and their fishes;
                     yet, as our hearts starved,
                                     You denied us our wishes.


                                     Back in the orphanage,
                                     every nite we had to pray.
                                     When we got down on our knees,
                                     this is how we'd pray:

       Oh God, Help us, Help us, please.
       Oh God, we beg on bended knees.
       Oh God, we promise to be good,
       Oh God, to live our life just as You would.
       Oh God, we promise not to tell,
       Oh God, won't you save us from this hell?

                               From Your healing of the lepers,
                                  to the raising of Lazarus;
                                     were you just to busy there,
                             to make some time for us?.
                                     Now i'm losing faith God,
                                         so i just gotta know;
                                                  were we just that bad
                               that You had to let us go?

                      Moses must've been Your favorite,
                                         cuz for him You parted seas;
                               when it came to us,
                                  You just ignored our miseries.
                So, now there's just one thing God,
                                            that i don't understand,
                              who am i to believe in,
                                         now that i'm a man...?

                      Back in the orphanage,
                      every nite we had to pray.
                      When we got down on our knees;
                      this is how we'd pray....
    Oh God, help Us, help Us please.
    Oh God, we begged on bended knees.
    Oh God, we promise to be good.
    Oh God, to live our lives as You would.
    Oh God, we promise not to tell,
    Oh God, if You save us from this hell.

                                 So, We're You just to busy
                                             showing off in Galilee,
                                   to take a little time
                                  to hear this Orphan's plea?
                     Cuz, as children we always gave You
                                       everything we could,
                                  But in return You gave to us;
                              Nothin' that You said You would.

                          And then; there was Joseph,
                                         Him; You made a king,
                             While everything i asked for,
                                           You gave me not a thing.
                             So now there's one thing
                                         I just don't understand...
                               Who am i to believe in,
                                            Now that I'm a Man?

                                Back in the Orphanage,
                                when every nite we had to pray,
                                as we got down on our knees,
                                That is what we said......

   Orphan X. C.1997/Rev. 2003/2007/2013
   Michael Valentino-LaTraviato/Detroit Jones

When this poem was written, it was the best way I could describe to someone what the feelings I once had to have about God…
One cannot explain….


'The Supplicant'

My candle burned
with vigilance;
As I contained,
my insolence.
All I sought
 was sustenance,
to get me through 
Your miscreance.
Cruel words breed,
like pestilence,
My mental scars,
the evidence;
I fell before
Your Eminence,
broken & cold,
in supplicance.

c.2000 Orphan X.
Detroit Jones

 Just Another Crucifixion

Your verbal crown of thorns
digs deeper into my head.
All those taunting words,
I remember all You'd said.
This cross on my shoulder,
I'll carry to my grave.
If God would not stop You,
then me, he will not save.
Words as nails, pierce my flesh,
as you pound them through.
While I curse this agony,
much greater, I curse You.
You mock all my struggles,
belittling all my cries;
beating me down even more,
with the whip of your lies.
You take me off Your cross,
as the day meets it's end.
Then just leave me laying there,
on my own, to somehow mend.

 This daily crucifixion,
 is my personal calvary.
 Like Christ, I ask of God...
"Why hast thou forsaken me?"
c.2000 Orphan X.

Detroit Jones
M. Valentino-LaTraviato 

 The Wisdom of a Child...

Well, I prefer the belt,
      it's got a better sting;
      think of all the screams
      & the pain it will bring.
      You could use that cord,
      it leaves welts upon welts.
      But, it doesn't hurt me,
      as much as Your belts.
      There is a big stick,
      what marks it could make.
      tho, how You beat on me,
      surely it would break.
      what about that hose?,
      You've used it before.
      I guess it couldn't hurt,
      if You used it once more.
   My, what a dilemma
       we've gotten into.
       This my daily ritual,
       being beaten by You.

     c.2000 Orphan X.

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