Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Just another day…..


What's Up people….
just another day rocking in the Motor City…
Let's see where my mind takes me today hmmmmmm?
For starters;
Let's rock out to some rage…
Motown Rage, that is.

Sam The Butcher, Sadistic, Razor Ray & 2Def ARE : Motown MFing Rage!!!!!

w Brother ABK

Just some underground sounds you need to be hip to if you are hip to the sounds of the D…
These katz have been latin' down the 'Lyrical Attacks on Wax' for years…..


Eternally classic…

True to what he does, and an amazing talent.

Enuff said…


Some cool things going on…..

Long Live Detroit!!!!!

Detroit Jones

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

"If Dreams Were Money"

Michael Sean Allman is the son of Legend Gregg Allman.
He is a Michigan native,
 and is well on his way to staking his claim to the Allman talent.
The Allman's seem to be one of the most talented families in music.
Michael is no different.

If Dreams Were Money.
Truer words haven't been sung Bro. Michael…….

Right on….

I think in this day & age, so many of us hear the message here echoing….

What a great talent too!!!!
Enjoy The Hat My Friend!!!!

Until I write you again…

Detroit Jones

Passport Staging Proves MH17 Crash is a Hoax


Up to no good….

As usual….

So weary of more & more government bs, lies, manipulations...

Other points to ponder!!!!!!

                                   We ALL miss you ALWAYS; AJ Love

See ya sooooon!!!!!

Peace & Love;

Detroit Jones